Guidelines for oral and poster presentations
Oral presentations
Duration of the oral contributions, contributed oral presentation – 20 min (talk + discussion). We kindly ask all speakers to respect strictly the time limit. Computers dedicated for the presentations will provide full compatibility with Microsoft Office (up to 2007), Adobe PDF (up to 2009) and standard multimedia. It is a responsibility of every speaker to check in advance that his/her presentation will be displayed correctly by the conference projector; it will be possible to do so before and after the end of the sessions, during the breaks, etc. Optionally, it will be also possible to connect own computers to the projectors. However, it is responsibility of the speaker to ensure that the connection with a personal computer is working properly before the start of a given session. Should you have any troubles do not hesitate to contact the conference IT staff.
The dimensions of the poster boards are as follows: 120 cm (height) x 100 cm (width).
Fixing material (pins) will be available on site. The poster boards will be numbered by the organizers. Please post your poster to an assigned board following a given number. The number can be found in the book of abstracts in a chart at beginning of poster list each day. Alternatively the number is specified at bottom of the page with the abstract.
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